Thursday, February 4, 2010

What future would you like to see for the Alberta Tar Sands project?

Ideally, even though im canadian and would love to see all this extra profit comming into our country, I want this project shut down. I think that man made greenhouse gasses are way to high, and need to be reduced to sustainable levels. I care deeplyabout the environment, and love being apart of it, but the fact is that we are destroying our environment through the use of burning fossil fuels. Since this project is aimed at harnessing all this oil that is mixed in the alberta "oil sands" and using it to keep cars running, burning up more gas, emitting more co2 into the atmosphere, I think it needs to be stopped. Canada should stop wasting time, money, and ruining our landscape and start moving towards clean, renewable energy. We need a future where we emit few if any co2 into the atmosphere if we plan on saving the environment for future generations. Canada can invest in these clean energies and still make profits from these new resources instead of digging up landscapes to harness this harmfull oil.

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