Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog Reflection

Is a deeper connection to nature likely to influence our decisions?
Absolutely, if we all were to know that what we did truely had consequences (good and bad) on nature, we would think twice before doing them. Lets say considering the purchase of locally grown fruit versus fruit that was shipped into the area. I think someone would definetly think twice, basically influence us when it comes to buying one or the other. you would think of your impact, the amount of co2 that is associated with both fruits, which one uses pesticides, which do not. Sure over all price is going to be the biggest concern when dealing with this situation, obviously if the locally grown fruit is twice the price as the imported one, your not going to buy locally, but if there around the same price, maybe a bit more, your likely to make the "beter" choice of choosing locally grown because of its smaller impact on nature.
not really sure what you mean by management here, i will come back to it later.
management is really about all of these topics. The managment of our resources,and our waste. So i think ive kinda got the just of it throughout the other answers
Resource use?
i think if people are really educated about making smarter, more environmentally friendly, choices in their daily routine they will. you would be more concerned about the amount of resources you use, these could be things like energy, fossil fuels, even the amount of crap (retail product) we buy. You ( well I would) try and use my car as little as possible, trying to save the environment and my bank account, because gas aint cheap. Living in Winnipeg does has its down sides of driving pretty much everywhere in the winter, but i think that makes summer, kinda a holiday for your vehicle. Lets face it we all want to be outside on hot winnipeg summer days, we dont get a lot of them. So when it comes to going to school, going to the store, your much more likely to go outside, walk, bike, even take the bus, just to be outside.
Since learning about the amount of junk going into lanfills, ive been cutting down spending lately, asking myself if i really need this, or do i have things at home that do similar things that will work for now. Just try and only purchase the neccessarys.
Waste generation?
again these are pretty much all tied together, if we know were apart of nature, were not going to destroy it, or pollute it. people are now looking at lowering their impact, there waste, and stores are picking up on this.
More and more stores are promoting and selling eco friendly things, and then supply eco friendly bags. This is huge inthe retail market, using recyclable bags. cutting your collection of plastic bags down, if not getting rid of them entirely. these stores are also selling stuff like eco light bulbs, which use less electricity, and over all last longer, creating less waste in the long run.
there are many things to do like recyclig, composting, generally buying less so not as much waste is created, reusing things, is another option. I think people are influenced now adays to waste less because of there love of the environment, i mean who doesnt want clean air, clean drinking water, and overall better place to live in, whos not going to say yes to that.
This is just to wrap it up, when we learn about nature, how we intertwine with it, our environment, we change our way of thinking, and our values. Were not looking for the fastest car anymore, because its probably got the biggest engine, putting more co2 into the atmosphere, and using more of our money on anyways were looking at MPG, how much am i going to go before i have to polute again.
Things like electric cars are comming back, because people dont want to polute anymore, we want clean air, we want a nice place to live, we want to go places without feeling guilty of driving.

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