Thursday, January 21, 2010

David Suzuki’s The Sacred Balance (excerpts on YouTube)

The feeling of being apart of the universe is really evident in this film, as it should be right. I mean were no different then the rest of the mammals and creatures that live here too. We all evolved over time, learning to adapt and live with the changing seasons and elements nature throws at us.

Its true about what David Suzuki said, how we have forgotten our part in the environment, the fact that we don’t just live in it, we are a part of it, our actions affect its outcome. Its kinda sad in a way that only certain cultures are still living with nature, instead of on top of to speak.

He kinda goes on to talk about our thirst for evolution, our growing dependence on technology, and the fact that we have lost that connection, strayed from the path, forgotten about mother earth. This got me thinking, how often do I find myself really involved with nature and the one thing that comes up is camping. I love to do it, love to fish, explore, just be outdoors, in the wilderness in general. Living off the surrounding so to speak.

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